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Spiritual Letter 134
"Spiritual Document 01"

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About Spiritual Letter 134

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of Spiritual Letter 134

Author of Letter:  By Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us, and with Him)

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For "The Expanded Introduction"

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 of "Spiritual Letter 134", That Is,
of "Spiritual Document 01":
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Short Title - of Spiritual Letter & Document:

"Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.): 
"Spiritual Document No. 1"

Longer Title - of Spiritual Letter & Document:   

Recent experiences of this child,

That is, of Bawa "Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
Of "you"living as if "you" are "separate from" God, 
As if "you" are "separate from" each other, 
And as if "you" are "separate from" the Creation of God, 
Within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".

That is

"Of Bawa putting all of His Children within Himself, within "His Bag", 
within the "Bag or Purse of the Qutb", like so many stones of little value, 
with rough edges and dirt and all, and then with Bawa twirling "His Bag", 
twirling His Children with their faults and all, 
letting one stone bang off the rough edges of another, 
letting one stone polish the others, 
until "You" come out as the perfect, polished gems of God, 
which Bawa then hands to God, to God within you,
 if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, 
that is, the Choice to stay in the "Bag of the Qutb", 
until "He Is Done", or not."

[Quote from the life and teaching of His Holiness, 
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
(may God be pleased with Us, and with Him) 

Time Period Written:  January, February, March, April, May, June, and July, of 2008

Written by:  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), who now on the "outside" of you is His Children, if you like

Written to:  All of My Children, that is, to all of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), who have Now become My Children, which in truth is Now everyone living in your age, if you like


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"The Expanded Introduction" - to Spiritual Letter 134 ----------------- Available

01.  Outline of Expanded Introduction

02.  Text of Expanded Introduction - which incudes the following:
          a. Opening Greetings
​          b. About Spiritual Letter 134 - that is, About This Document
​          c. How Bawa "Cures Himself of you" - if "you" will only let Him
​          d. Content of This First Version - of this Document

03.  The "Journey of True Self Discovery" - is provided by the "Review" of this
         Document allowing each of My Children to Choose Now between "your falsehood" and
         "Your Truth", which is "Why you have come into the world", for in truth you cannot
         have both, for before the EndOne has to go, either "Your Truth" or "your faslehood"

04.  The Purpose of This Document - is to help My Children Start to "Truly Change", by
         Understanding "Who you currently are", that is, by Understanding "your current state" and
         "Your Next State", if you like, that is, So you can Start to "Truly Change" in your life, if you

05.  There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life - Not Three Choices as My
         Children still Mistakenly believe, that is, there are only Two Choices, "God or satan", that
          is, "God or hell", Not Three Choices, not "God, or you, or satan", not "God, or heaven, or

06.  Longer Title - for this Document, for Spiritual Letter 134  --------------------------- Available
07.  Expanded Title - for this Document, for Spiritual Letter 134 ----------------------- Available
08.  About - The "Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Mailing List" (www.SMMailingList.

09.  Copy of Original E-mails - of Spiritual Letter 134:
​         Page 1Pages 2 & 3Page 4Pages 5 & 6Pages 7, 8, & 9
         Page 10Page 11Pages 12 & 13Page 14 & 15Page 16,   

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10.  "Spiritual Document 01"that is, of "Correcting the Children of
       Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).

         "Page 1 of "Spiritual Document(on separate Web Page) ------------------------ Available
         "Page 2 of "Spiritual Document(on separate Web Page) -----------------------  Available

11.  Related Material - for Spiritual Letter 134 
                  (on separate Web Page) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Available
          a. "Related Spiritual Chats"
          b. "Related Spiritual Letters"
          c. "Related Web Sites"

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"The Expanded Introduction"
To "Spiritual Letter 134", That Is,
To "Spiritual Document 01"
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Text of "Expanded Introduction" - to "Spiritual Letter 134", That is, to "Spiritual Document 01", that is, to "Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).
go To "About Spiritual Letter 134"
go to "How Bawa "Cures Himself of us"
go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "The Purpose of This Document" 
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life" 
go to "Longer Title"
go To "Expanded Title"

Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart

Bawa.  Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. 

Bawa.  Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you (anbu), My dearest loving GrandChildren, Sons and Daughters, and Brothers and Sisters, and all of My Children  - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us, and with Him).  Amen.

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About Spiritual Letter 134 - that is, About "Spiritual Document 01", "Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).
- go To "Opening Greetings"
go to "How Bawa Cures Himself of us"
go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "The Purpose of This Document" 
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life" 
go to "Longer Title"
go To "Expanded Title"

Bawa.  Here is "Page 1 of 2" of a beautiful sharing, of "Spiritual Letter 134",
which is a Spiritual Letter sharing the recent experiences of this child, that is, of Bawa "Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)", that is, of Bawa "Curing Himself of you", that is, of Bawa "Curing Himself of "you" living as if "you" are
"separate from" God, as if "you" are "separate from" each other, and as if "you" are
"separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not

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How Bawa "Cures Himself of You" - if you will only let Him, that is, if you will only join as "One with" Bawa within you, by Now joining as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), First on the "outside" of your and then within you, for in truth Now "They are One"
go To "Opening Greetings"
go To "About Spiritual Letter 134"
go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "The Purpose of This Document" 
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life" 
go to "Longer Title"
go To "Expanded Title" 

Bawa.  That is, of Bawa putting all of His Children within Himself, within "His Bag", within the "Bag or Purse of the Qutb", like so many stones of little value, with rough edges and dirt and all, and then with Bawa twirling "His Bag", twirling His Children with their faults and all, letting one stone bang off the rough edges of another, letting one stone polish the others, until "You" come out as the perfect, polished gems of God, which Bawa then hands to God, to God within you, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to stay in the "Bag of the Qutb", until "He Is Done", or not.

Bawa.  That is, until "You" all come out as the perfect, polished gems of Godwhich Bawa then hands to God, to God within you, with "You" then First 
appearing within God within "Us" as Adam (peace be upon Him) and as the Crown of Adam (peace be upon Him) in the First Heaven of God within "Us", that is, with Adam (peace be upon Him) First appearing as the "Palace of the soul", as the "House of wisdom", as the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani 
(may God be pleased with Him), and with Eve (peace be upon Her), as His Crown of Gems, First Appearing as the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophet, and Lights of God.

Bawa.  That is, as long as "You" willingly and freely agree to stay in "His Bag"until He is done "Curing Himself of "you", that is, to stay in "His Bag" which in truth is "His Heart", is the "Heart of the Qutb" of God Now for "your age" and for "your life", which Now for "your age" and for "your life" is "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), in whom "We are well pleased", First on the "outside" of you and then "within you".

Bawa.  That is, to "Stay in His Bag" with faith and trust in Goduntil "He is done" with "you", until He has truly "Had His Way With you", for the benefit of God and of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do.  Amen. Ok?

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Content of This First Version - of "Spiritual Document 01" of "Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
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go To "About Spiritual Letter 134"
go to "How Bawa Cures Himself of us"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "The Purpose of This Document" 
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life" 
go to "Longer Title"
go To "Expanded Title"

Bawa.  And "We" will Start this sharing with the most recent experiences of this child, that is, "We" will Start this First Version of "This Never Ending Document", that is, of Version Number 01 of the Document "We" have called, "Correcting The Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)", with the most recent experiences of this childthat is, the most recent experiences of Bawa "Curing Himself of you", That Is, of "you" living as if "you" are "separate from" Bawa, as if "you" are "separate from" from each other, and as if "you" are "separate from" the Creation of God, within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa.  That is, "We' will Start with the experiences of this child with "Our" dearest loving brothers and sisters last weekend, on February 24, 2008, at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, with the Sunday's meeting conducted by Faqradeen (Ral.) who focused on the Question "Why Do We Keep Acting On The Stage of Drama?". 

Bawa.  And "We" will Finish up the First Version of this Document, "This Never Ending Document"with the "Michael Toomey Story", which is the story of how Bawa corrected Michael, and all of His Children, a very long time ago, a correction which for this child, "Says it all", that is, says it all about "How It Truly Works" on this "Path of God" within "Us" all, that is, on this path of God telling and bringing to Completion His Story, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", within each of His Children, if you like, So in the End, "No Child Is Left Behind", So in the End, there is nothing still "Separating God From God" within "Us".  
Amen. Ok?.

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The "Journey of True Self Discovery" - provided by the "Review" of this Document, allowing each of My Children to Choose, between "your falsehood" and "Your Truth", for you cannot have both, you cannot have both falsehood and Truth, one has to go  
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go to "How Bawa Cures Himself of us"
go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Purpose of This Document
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life" 
go to "Longer Title"
go To "Expanded Title"

Bawa.  The Main Part of this Document is a "Review" of this Document, So you can read this Document as a "Journey of True Self Discovery", if you like, that is, a "Review" of this Document presented as a Set of Questions and Answers, that is, presented in a "Contrast", in an "Either-Or" Format, So you can clearly see both sides of "Yourself, if you like, that is, both sides of your "Very Own Life", both the "Shirt" side of "you" and the "Soul" side of "You", So you can Choose, because in truth you cannot have both, you cannot have both the life of the "shirt", which is the life that your parents gave you, and is Now your "current life", with you Now having become your parents, and the life of the soul, which is the Life that God and your Guru or Shaikh gave to You, and is your Next Life, if you like, but a Life that you must experience before you die to the flesh, and Here and Now, if you like.

Bawa.  And in this way, Each of My Children must Choosefor you cannot have both, you cannot have both falsehood and Truth, you cannot have both darkness and Light, you cannot have both satan and God, you cannot have both "you" and "You", you cannot have both "you" and Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), which in truth is the Next You, if you like, the "You" within "you" if you like, the "Child of Light" within the "child of darkness", if you like, which in truth is the First Step of the 4 Steps of Spiritual Ascendance, which in truth is "Your Life".

Bawa.  And the Name of these 4 Steps of Spiritual Ascendance, that in truth is  "Your Life", is the Name of God for this age and for your life, that is, is the Name of "Your Father", is the Name of Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).

1.  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
2.  Shaikh Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
3.  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)
4.  Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased 

Bawa.  And as you Step Up each of these 4 Steps of Spiritual Ascendance,  you gradually become Him, as this child has Now learned to do, that is, you become Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), Step by Step, and you do this by joining with Him, at each Step, to become Him at each Step, First on the "outside" of you and then within you.

Bawa.  And Now you can truly Start this "Journey of True Self Discovery", if you like, by joining with Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), First on the "outside" of you and then within you, as your First Step of becoming Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), that is, as your First Step of becoming Him, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do.  Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  And this is the value of the "Review" of this Document, So you can Start to see both, both the "you" of yourself, and the "You" of yourself, that is, So you can see both the "child of darkness" of yourself, which is your current state, and the "Child of Light" of yourself, which is your Next State, and which is Now the Current State of "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), if you like, and through this Contrast of these two, that is, of "Your" Light and darkness, as revealed in this Overview of this Document, and as revealed in the Contrast of your current state and the Current State of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), So True Understanding can occur within you.

Bawa.  For as "We" taught you when "We" were living in the world,

       "Understanding only occurs through contrast".


       "Nothing will ever leave you until it is understood,
        because that is why everything is there in the first
        place, So understanding can occur."

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The Purpose of This Document - is to help My Children Start to "Truly Change" by Understanding "Who you currently are", that is, by Understanding "your current state" and "Your Next State", if you like, that is, So you can Start to "Truly Change"
go To "Opening Greetings"
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go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Life
go to "Longer Title"
go To "Expanded Title"

Bawa.  In this way, the purpose of this Document is to help My Children Start to "Truly Change", by Understanding "Who you currently are", that is, by Understanding "your current state" and "Your Next State", if you like, that is, So you can Start to "Truly Change", if you like, and not just continue to experience the Drama of your "current state" as change, thinking that it is "True Change", when in truth "Nothing is Really Changing" in your life, and in this way, to truly Understand the severe limitations and consequences of our current state, that is, if you die in that state, in the state of "separation from", that is, as the life of the "shirt", without learning how to move onto "Your Next State", which is the life of "soul".

Bawa.  That is, to "Truly Change" by joining Now as "One with" Shaikh 
Muhaiyaddeen (Ral), all of which is Just Waiting within you to Happen, if you like, like the apple tree, its trunk, branches, flowers, and fruits are all Just Waiting within the apple seed buried within the earth to happen, that is, if the apple seed will only germinate, that is, germinate to the truth that is hidden within it, which is the Story of the Oneness of the Apple Seed, the Apple Tree, the Apple Fruits, as Story that the apple seed came from the apple tree, to join with the earth, to tell, if it likes.

Bawa.  That is, to help My Children Start to discover who in truth "You Already Are", First by reading this "Initial Review" of this Document, that is, of Version Number 01 of this "Never Ending Document", that is, of the Document that "We" have called, "Correcting The Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.): No. 1", Followed by reading "The Complete Text" of this Document, all provided for your reading and hopefully for your sharing enjoyment, if you like, that is, if you are wise. Amen. Ok?

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There Are Only "Two Choices" In Your Life Not Three Choices as My Children still Mistakenly believe, that is, there are only Two Choices, "God or satan", that is, "God or hell", Not Three Choicesnot "God, or you, or satan", not "God, or heaven, or hell" 
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go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "The Purpose of This Document" 
go to "Longer Title"
go To "Expanded Title"

Bawa.  And in this way, My Dearest Loving Children, with "You" realizing, without the slightest doubt, that in truth there are Only Two Choices in your life, Not Three Choices as My Children still Mistakenly believe, that is, there are Only Two Choices, "God or satan", that is, "God or hell", Not Three Choices, not "God, or you, or satan", because in truth the "Idea of you as separate from God" is satan, and not "God, or heaven, or hell", because what people Now call heaven is really hell, and all of it is within you, not in some illusory place "outside" of you, all of which you will most certainly begin to experience as hell, not heaven, when after going to your illusory heaven.

Bawa.  That is, when you begin to realize what you have done with you life, what you have done with what God has given to you, which is to "separate yourself" from God, that is, from all that God has so lovingly and ever so patiently given to you, all of which God has placed within you, which is Himself, and all that is "Within Him", and what "He is Doing" with what is Now "Within Him", which is revealing Himself to Himself for the benefit of all of His Creation.

Bawa.  And when you begin to realize this truth of your life, that you have been tricked by "the satan", by the sworn enemy of the Children of Adam (peace be upon Him), and as a result, all you have succeeded in doing with your life is to "separate yourself" from God, and that this reality has become the End Result of your life, not because of any punishment by God, but because that is "What you want", because that is what you told God, day in and day out, moment by moment, that you wanted for eternity, that is, by you actions while you were living in the world not just by your words, and as a result, when you do go to your illusory heaven on another "outside" of yourself, you will still be "separate from" God, and in truth that is "your hell", that is your eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you.

Bawa.  For as "We" taught My Children when "We" were living in the world,

"Hell is simply the realization 
that you have separated yourself from God".

Bawa.  So when you realize what you have truly done with what God has given you, that in truth you have separated yourself from God, then your wonderful heaven will become your deepest hell, that is, then the Next Illusory "outside" of yourself as "separate from", that you Now hope to go to after you die to your current illusory "outside" of yourself as "separate from", that is, if you die in your current state, that is, if you have not truly become a "Wise Child" before you die, will be just another illusory "outside" of themselves as "separate from" God, but this time for eternity, a place which will become an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you, that is, will become hell within you, when you begin to realize what you have done, with what God has given you.

Bawa.  That is, when you begin to realize that you have "separated yourself" from God, which in truth means that you have "separated yourself" from "Yourself", from the Higher Selfless Self" hidden within you, and from God within That, for in truth you will "Only Find God" within the Exaltedness of your own life.  will not be a place you Now falsely believe or hope will be better than the current "outside" of you, and one that is eternal, so they will never loose it, but it is not true, and in the End 

Bawa.  And that is the Purpose of this Document, and of the "Review" of this Document, So you can Start to Understand through Contrast both the "you" of yourself, and the "You" of yourself, both the "child of darkness" of yourself, which is your current state, and the "Child of Light" of yourself, which is your Next State, if you like, that is, if you join Now as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) to let what is Next Happen, by letting what is current End, like the apple seed joining with the earth, to let what is Next, the apple tree, happen, by letting what is current, the apple seed, End.

Bawa.  All of which, like the apple seed, is hidden Now within your current state, like the apple tree hidden within the apple seed buried within the earth, an apple tree which can only appear if the apple seed comes to an End, through the True Understanding of "Who it is", of "Where it is", and of "What is happening" in its life, that is, if the apple seed realizes, understands, accepts, and joins with the truth of itself, that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to grow, and if it then joins as "One with" the earth, as the earth joins as "One with" the apple seed, to let itself End, that is, to germinate.

Bawa.  That is, to let the apple tree happen, So True Understanding of the apple seed can occur, which in truth is the Story of the apple tree, which the apple seed came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell, if it likes, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth of themselves, instead some reject the truth of themselves, rot and die in the earth, taking on 105 million rebirths, but never again as an apple seed.  Something to think about a little, Yes?.

Bawa.  For as "We" taught you when "We" were living in the world,

       "Understanding only occurs through contrast".


       "Nothing will ever leave you until it is understood,
         because that is why everything is there in the first
         place, So understanding can occur."

Bawa.  And Again, this is the Purpose of this Document, which is to help My Children to become truly successful on the "Journey of Life", for in truth, as "We taught you when "We" were living in the world,

"Life is the victory of wisdom reasoning over fate"

Bawa.  All of which in truth is the "One Journey" of the "One Life" within "Us All", all of which begins with a True Understanding of "Who you current are", and "Who you Next are", if you like, that is, of "You" Starting to discover who in truth "You Already Are", by "You" joining in partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, and who in truth "You Already Are" is "Of God", which is your true heritage, your true birthright, the true destiny of your soul, not of "The Shirt" that is what your parents gave you by rolling around like snakes on a bed, all of which is your false heritage, your false birthright, the false destiny of you.

Bawa.  So Please Start to "Walk The Straight Path", the "Way of the Lord", My Dearest Loving ChildrenFirst by reading the "Review" of this Document, that is, of Version Number 01 of this "Never Ending Document", of the Document that "We" have called, "Correcting The Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.): No. 1", all for your reading and hopefully for your sharing enjoyment, if you like, that is, if you are wise.

Bawa.  And Second, by joining in partnership with God for your age and for your life, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, which in truth is Now "Our" dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), that is, to let God "Cure Himself of you", of "you" living in your current state, of "you" living as "separate from", and in this way, for you to become God for your age and for all life, First on the "outside" of you and then within you.

Bawa.  That is, for you to take the First of the Four Steps of Spiritual Ascendance 
for your age and for your life, which is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and in this way, to truly Start the Journey of "Your Life", that is, to Start to join in partnership with God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, to tell and bring to Completion the Story of God, which is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do.

Bawa.  All of which in truth is to become Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), that is, to become the "One True Child of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen", if you like, for in truth the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use your life in this way, in the "Way of the Lord", or not.  Please do it like this.  Please try.  Then your life will become truly successful in your lifetime, but if not, you will stay as the "shadow", as the "enemy of the soul", as the "child of darkness", as the "presence of the satan", until the End.

Bawa.  And then in the End, if you have not become wise, if you have not become Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us) in your lifetime, that is, if you have not become the "Presence of God" for your age and for all life, then as the satan "you" will be blinded by the Light of the soul, which is Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), and as the satan "you" will be chased down the "pit of hell", which is the birth canal, to hell, for in truth "only satan goes to hell".  Amen. Ok?

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My Dearest  Loving Children - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us, and with Him). Amen.

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Longer Title for Spiritual Letter 134, "Recent experiences of this child, That is, of Bawa "Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), That is, of Bawa "Curing Himself of you"
go To "Opening Greetings"
go To "About Spiritual Letter 134"
go to "How Bawa Cures Himself of us"
go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "The Purpose of This Document" 
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life" 
go To "Expanded Title"

Bawa.  "We" have given "Spiritual Letter 134" the "Short Title" of "Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.): No. 1", and "We" have also given this  beautiful Spiritual Letter the following "Longer Title", to highlight Just How Bawa does this, Just How Bawa corrects the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), that is, by literally "Curing Himself of you", if "You" will only truly join Him in this "Grand Endeavor", of God telling and bringing to Completion His Story, His Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" of God revealing Himself to Himself for the benefit of all of the Creation of God, within God within you, and for a little while on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of your brothers and sisters, as this child has Now learned to do.  Amen.  Ok? 

"Longer Title"
 of Spiritual Letter 134

Recent experiences of this child

That is, of Bawa 
"Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
That is, of Bawa 
"Curing Himself of you", of Bawa Curing Himself 
Of "you" living as if "you" are "separate from" God/Bawa, 
As if "you" are "separate from" each other,
And as if "you" are "separate from" the Creation of God,
Within God within you, all of which is "Just Not True".

That is

"Of Bawa putting all of His Children within Himself, within "His Bag",
within the "Bag or Purse of the Qutb", like so many stones of little
value, with rough edges and dirt and all, and then with Bawa twirling
"His Bag", twirling His Children with their faults and all, letting one
stone bang off the rough edges of another, letting one stone polish the
others, until "You" come out as the perfect, polished gems of God, which
Bawa then hands to God, to God within you, if you like, for the Choice is
yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to stay in the "Bag of the Qutb", 
until "He Is Done", or not."

[Quote from the life and teaching of
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us).  Amen].

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Expanded Title - for Spiritual Letter 134, "To Find Fault With Anything
Is To Find Fault With God", And "To Find Fault With Yourself Is Also To Find Fault With God"
go To "Opening Greetings"
go To "About Spiritual Letter 134"
go to "How Bawa Cures Himself of us"
go to "Content of This First Version"
go to "The Journey of True Self Discovery"
go to "The Purpose of This Document" 
go to "There Are Only Two Choices In Our Life" 
go to "Longer Title"
go to "Outline of Expanded Introduction"

Bawa.  And a beautiful Spiritual Letter which "We" have also given the following 
"Expanded Title" (at least in concept, if not just in words), if you like,

Expanded Title 
of Spiritual Letter 134

"Join As "One With" Us On The "Outside" of You
To Become "One With" Us Within You,
In Order To Truly Become "One With" God Within You,

In Order To
Truly Understand
"Who You Already Are", 
And "Where You Already Are",
And "What Is Already Happening" In Your Life,
While You Still Can,
Before This Kind of Understanding 
Is No Longer Available To You,
Because You Have Become
What God Has Discarded From Himself,
In Order To Become God Within You.

That Is,
To Truly Understand
"What Can Truly Return To God Within You",
Because It Is What Truly Came Here From God Within You,
And To Truly Understand
"What Cannot Return To God Within You",
Because It Is What Truly Grew Here,
As The Lives of Darkness and Evil Within You,
And Really Has No Interest In Returning To God Within You,
No Matter What It Might Tell You To The Contrary.
And To Truly Understand This Choice,
And What Will Help You Make The Correct Choice,
Which In Truth Is Only God Within You,
And For A Little While God On The "Outside" of You,
And What Won't Help You Make The Correct Choice,
Which Is Everything Else,
No Matter How It Is Currently Decorated
On the Illusory "Outside" of You,
And No Matter How it Currently Speaks To You
As Your Thoughts Disguised As Wisdom.
And Start To Understand Everything
From God's Perspective
As "One with" Everyone and Everything,
As God Witnessing God Tell And Bring To Completion
His Story Within Him
For the Benefit of all of the Creation of God Within Him,
And For a Little While On the "Outside" of You
For The Benefit of Your Brothers and Sisters,
As This Child Has Now Learned To Do.
And Stop All of Your Current Activity
Of Trying To Understand Everything
From Your Prospective
As "Separate From" Everyone and Everything,
As "Your Story" On the "Outside" of You,
For Your Benefit, 
Not For The Benefit of Anyone Or Anything Else 
Amen. Ok?"
(See "Spiritual Letter 128")

Bawa.  A Spiritual Letter from God within us all, to the Children of God for this age, which continues to "outline" for you what most of My Children are currently doing wrong, and how to correct their mistake using My Children, that is, using Those of My Children who have truly learned from "Us" how to do it right, so in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within you, that is, there will be nothing still "separating God" from God within you.

Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all 
of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa. My love you - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us). Amen. 


"The Expanded Introduction"
To "Spiritual Letter 134", That Is,
To "Spiritual Document 01"
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go to "Text of Expanded Introduction"
Outline of "Expanded Introduction" - to Spiritual Letter 134, that provides information on the following subjects, if you like 

go to Next Page of "Outline"
1.  Opening Greetings - from Heart to Heart
2.  About Spiritual Letter 134 - that is, About the Document. 

"Correcting the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.): 
"Spiritual Document No. 1"

3.  How Bawa "Cures Himself of you" - if you will only let Him, that is, if you will only join as "One with" Bawa within you, and join as "One with" Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
First on the "outside" of your and then within you, for in truth Now "They are One".

go to Previous Page of "Outline"
go to Next Page of "Outline"
4.  Content of This First Version - of this Document, of "Correcting the Children
of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.): "Spiritual Document 01", which include:

Sharings with My Children:
For Example, with Hamsa Bee-Bee Dale, with Muhammad Razzaq, with Abdul Bajir, with Malik, with Muhammad Abdul Qadir, with Muhammad Yasin & Topi, with Constance, with Abdul Jabbar, and with Muhammad Muhaiyaddeen Sulaiman (Ral.)

Planned Sharings with My Children: 
For Example, with Faqradeen, with Ahmad Muhaiyaddeen, with Abdul Qadir, with Jacob and Rahim and Austin and Veronica, and with Assia, and Now also with Malik, Shams, Jean (Granny), with John, with Muhammad Abdul Lateef, and with Sonia (Ral.), if you like

Plus - The Sharing Again of Three Great Bawa StoriesFirst, "The Michael Toomey Story", and Second, Bawa's Answer to Bawa's Question, "Why does an apple seed germinate?", and Third, Bawa's Answer to Bawa's Riddle, "What has incredible movement, So it can stand perfectly still?"

go to Previous Page of "Outline"
go to Next Page of "Outline"
5.  The "Journey of True Self Discovery" - provided by the "Review" of this document, that is, the "Review" of the Questions and Answers that make up the First Version of this Document, that is, a "Journey of Self Discovery" allowing each of My Children to Choose, perhaps for the first time between "your falsehood" and "Your Truth", for in truth, you cannot have both, you cannot have both falsehood and Truth, one has to go, that is, falsehood has to Start to truly leave your life, So Truth can Start to truly come into your life

6.  The Purpose of This Document - is to help My Children Start to "Truly Change" by Understanding "Who you currently are", that is, by Understanding "your  current state" and "Your Next State", if you like, that is, So through this Contrast, that is, as "One with" God, First on the "outside" of you and then within you, 

go to Previous Page of "Outline"
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7.  For In Truth There Are Only Two Choices In Your Life -Not Three Choices as 
My Children still Mistakenly believe, but to your peril, that is, there are only Two Choices, "God or satan", that is, "God or hell", Not Three Choicesnot "God, or you, or satan", not "God, or heaven, or hell", for as "We" taught My Children when "We" were living in the world, 

"You have Two Forms
Either the "Form of God", 
Or the "form of satan", 
and the Choice is yours, not God's, 
that is, the Choice of which of these Two Forms you will take on, 
both Now for a little while, before you die to the flesh, 
and for eternity"

(see Discourse by His Holiness, 
M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 

go to Previous Page of "Outline"
go to Top of "Outline of Exp. Introduction"
go to "Text of Expanded Introduction"
8.  Longer Title - for this Document, for Spiritual Letter 134
9.  Expanded Title - for this Document, for Spiritual Letter 134 (In Process)

Plus the following: (as a separate Web Page)

10.  About - The "Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Mailing List"

11.  Copy of Original E-mail: 
​         Page 1Page 2 & 3Page 4Pages 5 & 6, 
​         Pages 7, 8, & 9Page 10Page 11Page 12 & 13Page 14 & 15Page 16



Bawa.  May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of My Children.  May God be pleased with all of My Children.  May God help all of My Children.  Amen.

Bawa.  My love you My Dearest Loving Children - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Us, and with Him). Amen.

"The End"
of "The Expanded Introduction"
of Spiritual Letter 134, 
of "Spiritual Document 01"
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 of "Spiritual Document 01"

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This page was last updated on: April 28, 2012